Monday, April 20, 2009

Is the Time Ripe for a Third Party?

I believe that the momentum behind the recent Tax Day Tea Parties is a clear sign that an ever-growing number of people in America have finally gotten to the point where they are fed up with politics-as-usual in Washington. They do not feel as though their elected officials even hear their voice, let alone represent their views, and are looking for alternative to the options presented by the Democrat and Republican Parties.

You see, I truly believe that this movement “isn’t” about Obama or Bush, left or right, black or white – and that it “is” about ALL of our current elected representatives (Democrats and Republicans alike) in Congress. You see, through their willing accomplices in the main stream media (who’ve abandoned the importance and value of unbiased, investigative reporting) they've gotten us to take our eye off the ball - the Executive Branch does not propose, debate and pass legislation - the Legislative Branch does. Our current legislators, Republicans and Democrats alike, have ALL either forgotten, or maybe never even learned and understood, the thoughts and ideals of our Founding Fathers. The entire lot of them are all too willing to play the "give a little to get a little" game with the money of WE THE PEOPLE and aren't willing, or don't have the fortitude and integrity to stand up for the Constitutional rights of the very people who elected them.

It's time that we educate ourselves and those around us of the important fact that our country's Founding Fathers recognized the very tendency of government to grow and become tyrannical, and therefore outlined a system in the US Constitution that is as fair to all people as possible, expressly limits the powers of the federal government, and puts the majority of the power in the hands of the individual States and the People.

We also need to identify and support like-minded individuals who are willing to stand up for our Constitutional Rights against oppressive taxation and run for elected office. We need true Patriots who understand the concept of real fiscal responsibility and are committed to a long-term plan to return OUR Federal Government to operating only within those powers, and funding only those expenditures, so enumerated within the US Constitution, leaving all else to the States and the People as outlined in the 10th Amendment.

Based on their performance over the last 95 years - since the 16th Amendment allowing for an Income Tax was ratified in 1913 - and especially since the beginnings of FDR's "New Deal" (and what a deal it has turned out to be...) were introduced in 1933, I would argue that Republicans and Democrats alike are both guilty of committing the most unconscionable and unconstitutional confiscation and redistribution of the wealth of the hard working, law-abiding citizens of this country(and I'm not just talking about the wealthy - take a look at your own pay check, however much it might be, and see just how much they're literally stealing from you every time you get paid).

Maybe the time has come to look for a new alternative - a party that is committed to a simple platform based on the values and ideals of the great men who gave of their time, their knowledge, and their reasoned judgment to lay down the very foundation of this great country of ours - the US Constitution. Men who not only understood the concepts of hard work, personal responsibility and rugged individualism, but who also served their country in it’s fight for freedom, often times giving their very lives in support of that vision. Now they were Patriots!!

If that's the vision you're looking for, you may want to check out the Constitution Party. I know that many feel that a vote for a third party candidate is a waste of a vote, but consider these facts:

- The Constitution Party is the third largest political party in terms of voter registration.

- One quarter of all voters nation-wide are registered as independent or as members of a ‘third party’.

-Over the last 10 years this has been the largest growing segment of voter registrations.

- Some states’ third party or independent registrations approach 1/3 of all registered voters.

- Independent voters are playing a bigger role in national and local politics as disappointment with both the Republican and Democratic parties increases.

- A recent Fox News poll ( showed 67% of Americans said they'd consider voting for an independent candidate. An earlier Rasmussen survey showed 58% said it would be good for the United States to have a "truly competitive" third party. Voters are now weighing their options, especially on the issue of immigration. According to Rasmussen, 35% of conservatives said they'd pick a third party candidate over a Republican.

The Constitution Party - a real alternative to the Tax & Spend offerings of the Democrat and Republican Parties.


  1. I think this may be a growing sentiment among many people - the problem is trying to get all of the independents behind a core group of conservative candidates.

  2. I think we need to have another march soon, I don't think the goverment gets it yet! Also I would like to call for a ban on the main media, ABC, NBC, CBS and the like until they can represent all people. I hate watching the bias news on the main media. MSNBC is the worst! Those guys are communist. My worry is that I think Obama and the Democrat leaders are trying to take over control of this country.

  3. Is there any way to get a politician recall petition option before the state legislature. That would turn up the heat on some of these twerps.
